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周伶瑛 Ling-Ying Chou(Anne) 副教授(Associate Professor)



(Doctor of Philosophy in Bilingual Education Program of Curriculum and Instruction, Pennsylvania State University, USA)


(Master of Arts in Audio-visual Instruction, Eastern Illinois University, USA)


(Bachelor of Arts in English, Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan)


(Associate Professor/Head of T&I Department/Chair of GIMTI,Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages)

(Director of Translation and Conference Service Center, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages)

(Associate Professor/Director of Language Instruction Center, Diwan College of Management)

(Associate Professor/ Chair of Applied Foreign Languages Dept., National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences (NKUAS), Taiwan)

(Associate Professor/Secretary to the President, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences (NKUAS), Taiwan)

(Associate Professor/Director of International Cooperation Section, Research & Development Office, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences (NKUAS), Taiwan)

(Advisor of International Cooperation, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences (NKUAS), Taiwan, 2009-2012)


(Honorary Board Member, Kaohsiung Association of Cultural and Creative Tourism Industries, 2010)


(Member and Supervisor, International Association for Volunteer Effort-Taiwan, 2008-2011)

(Bilingual Interpreting Volunteer, National Kaohsiung Science and Technology Museum)

(Bilingual Interpreting Volunteer, Kaohsiung City Shipping Company Ltd.)

(Supervisor of Volunteers, Kaohsiung 2009 World Games)

(Instructor of Volunteer Training Program, Kaohsiung 2009 World Games)

(Instructor of International Elite Training Program, HRD Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government, 2006)


Gagne, R. M., Wager, W. W., Golas, K. C., & Keller, J. M. (2007). Principles of Instructional Design 5th edition. Thomson Learning Company. 「學習導向的教學設計原理」杜振亞審閱,郭聰貴、周伶瑛、鄭麗娟、林麗娟、吳佳蕙譯

Gail, J. (2005). The Business of child care: management and financial strategies. Thomson Delmar Learning, Canada. 「幼兒保育事業管理和財務策略」周伶瑛、張蘭心、徐儷娜、許春滿譯

Tubbs, L. S., & Moss. S. (2005). Human Communication: principles and contexts. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 「人際溝通」蔡培村審閱,杜振亞、周伶瑛校訂,武文瑛等譯


(Interpretation Service Project for Green Energy Industry Forum, 2010)

(Interpretation Service Project for Sustainable Metropolitan Development, INTA International Roundtable Conference, 2010)

擔任2010「高雄市低碳社區發展及旗津邁向低碳島國際研討 會」口譯服務產學合作計畫主持人
(Interpretation Service Project for Kaohsiung Low Carbon Community Development and Chi-Jin Low Carbon Island International Conference, 2010)

擔任2010「BenQ GDM 2010 Taiwan」接待翻譯服務產學合作計畫主持人
(Reception and Interpretation Service Project for BenQ GDM 2010 Taiwan)

(Research Project on Needs Analysis of MICE Professional Competence, 2010)

(Research Project on Needs Analysis of Interpreters of MICE Activities in Southern Taiwan, 2010)

(Interpretation Service Project for Puppet Performing Artists in Kaohsiung County, 2010)

擔任2009 技專校院教師赴公民營機構實務研習「國際會議活動企畫與執行研習營」計畫主持人
(Project on International Conference Planning and Performing Seminar for the teachers in the Public or the Private Sector, Ministry of Education, 2009)

(Interpretation Service Project for Global Hakka Culture Conference, 2009)

(Interpretation Service Project for the Leaders of Power Business Associations in East Asia and West Pacific Regions Conference, 2009)

(Reception and Interpretation Service Project for the 33rd INTA Conference, 2009)

(Project for Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industry Company Ltd. (Takao Cookies Shop), 2009)

擔任2009春季第III回全國大會in Taiwan隨行翻譯產學合作計畫主持人
(Interpretation Service Project for the 3rd Spring Assembly in Taiwan, 2009)

(Reception and Interpretation Service Project for International Steel Technologies Symposium, 2008)

(Training Project for Children English Competence Certification, 2008)

Chou, L. Y. (2008). Lighting up life by sharing and service: the Perceptions of volunteering at National Kaohsiung Science and Technology Museum. XX IAVE World Volunteer Conference, Panama City, 2008.

Chou, L. Y. (2007). City goodwill interpreting volunteer training program for 2009 world games in Kaohsiung, Taiwan-revitalizing the city with exceptional experience. XI IAVE Asia-Pacific Regional Volunteer Conference, Japan, 2007, 15.



杜振亞、周伶瑛 (2005)。師生對於教學評量系統之反應研究 Proceedings of the 5th KUAS Academic Symposium ROC. National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences.

Chou, L. Y. (2004). The essence of ESP instruction. Proceedings of ESP & Language Testing Symposium. National Kaohsuing University of Applied Sciences.

Wu, S. T., Tu., C. Y., Chou, L. Y. (2004). The study of knowledge management and organizational innovation applied in school organizations. WSEAS tranasactions on information science and applications, Issue1, Volume 1, 462-467. EI期刊,ISSN 1790-0832. (2004/07)(Paper transferred form the 8th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS).

杜振亞、周伶瑛 (2004)。技專校院學生學習策略的分析研究 Proceedings of the 4th KUAS Academic Symposium ROC. National Kaohsuing University of Applied Sciences.

Chou, L. Y. (2002). The perception of English teacher’s characteristics and role in the technological and vocational school system. Proceedings of the 2nd KUAS Academic Symposium ROC. National Kaohsuing University of Applied Sciences.

Chou, l. Y. (1999). English Instructional Innovation in Southern Taiwan’s Two-Year Junior Colleges of Technological and Vocational education System: A needs assessment. The Pennsylvania State University Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation.

Chou, L. Y., Li, P. F., & Sheu, C. M. (1998). The application of the world wide web to English instruction: a quantitative and qualitative study. Journal of National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology, 28, 647-668.

Chou, L. Y. (1997). A study of teaching approaches incorporated into English instruction in technological and vocational institutes in Taiwan. The First Five-College Joint Conference on Kaohsiung for Technical and Vocational Education 291-296. Kao Yuan University.

Chou, L. Y. (1997). Application of English for specific purposes into technical and vocational English instruction in Taiwan. Journal of National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology, 27, 399-418.

Chou, L. Y. (1996). Needs assessment of language proficiency of Taiwanese graduate students at the Pennsylvania State University, Journal of National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology,26, 279-298.

Chou, L. Y. (1995). Incorporating multicultural education into English teaching in Taiwan, the R.O.C. Journal of National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology, 25, 509-527.



國際獅子會E2區高應大獅子會會員兼秘書 2008-2009

高雄市全球會展推廣協會副理事長 2008-迄今 (Vice President of Kaohsiung Global MICE Association)

台灣會議展覽發展學會會員 2008-迄今

中華民國語言教育測驗研究發展學會理事 2008-迄今 (Board Member of Language Education and Testing Society, ROC)

中華民國解說導覽協會顧問 2007-迄今 (Advisor of Interpreting and Tour-Guiding Association)

國際獅子會E2區高應大獅子會會員兼副秘書 2005-迄今 (Member and Secretary of Kao-Ying-Ta Lions Club, Lions Clubs International District 300-E2)

國際職業婦女協會高雄市分會理事 (Board Member of International Business & Professional Woman Association, Kaohsiung Branch)



(Counselor of the promotion of school internationalization, Kaohsiung City Government, 2009-2011)

擔任2009年第四屆Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC)國際研討會司儀及晚會主持人
(MC of the 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC), 2009)

協助高雄市政府前往美國波特蘭市參加2008年玫瑰節慶活動隨團翻譯 2008/6
(Interpreter of Kaohsiung City Government for Attending Rose Festival of Portland City)

協助高雄市政府海洋局及高雄市全球會展推廣協會前往澳洲參訪遊艇展英文翻譯 2008/5
(Interpreter of Kaohsiung City Marine Bureau and Kaohsiung Global Mice Association for the Visit of Yacht Exhibition, Australia, 2008)

(Interpreter of Keynote Speech, 2008 International Conference on Early Childhood life Education in Diwan College of Management)

擔任國立高雄應用科技大學「2008立足台灣、放眼世界:台灣會展產業推廣成長課程」講座 2008/4
(Speaker of Taiwan MICE Industry Development Training Program, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences,2008)

擔任「96年度技術學院評鑑」評鑑委員 2007-2008
(Evaluation Committee Member of Vocational and Technological College, Ministry of Education, 2007-2008)

(Judge of English Drama Performance, Kaohsiung city Government, 2008)

擔任教育部電算中心英語教學平台計畫審查委員 2008/4
(Reviewer of English Instruction Platform, Computer Center, Ministry of Education, 2008)

擔任高雄市議會教育訓練課程「當西方遇到東 方-語言表達技巧」2008/2
(Instructor of Educational Training Program, ”While West Meets East-Techniques for Expressing Skills,” Kaohsiung City Council)

(Language Service for Lantern Festival VIPs from Foreign Countries, Kaohsiung City Government)

協助外交部「全美婦女議員基金會」代表訪台團遊高雄港英文解說 2008/1
(Interpreter of Female Senators Foundation of the USA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

擔任崑山科技大學九十六學年度教學卓越計畫分項計畫五「建構基礎教學機制,提升學生各項知能」諮詢委員 2008/1-2008/7
(Counselor of Instructional Excellency Project of MOE in Kun Shan University, 2008)

擔任東方技術學院應用外語系自評評鑑委員 2008/1
(Self-Evaluation Committee Member, Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages, Tungfang Design College, 2008)

擔任2008 Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA) 國際研討會司儀及晚會主持人
(MC of International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), 2008)

協助國立高雄應用科技大學電資學院「IIHMSP-2007國際研討會」外語接待服務 2007/11
(Language Service for IIHMSP-2007 International Conference, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, 2007)

(Vice Coordinator of Reception Section, 2007 The 56th International Bartenders Association Annual Meeting and World-cup Contest)

擔任教育部審查「英文」數位學習教材及課程認證審查委員 2007/3-2007/10
(Reviewer of English Digital Learning Materials and Curriculum Certified, Ministry of Education, 2007)

擔任高雄市政府英語演說比賽評審 2007/8
(Judge of English Speech Contest, Kaohsiung City Government)

(Reviewer of Neo-Teacher’s Paper, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, 2007)

擔任崑山科技大學2007外語教學暨研究研討會專題演講(二)主持人 2007/6
(Moderator of Keynote Speech, Foreign Language Instruction and Research Symposium, Kun Shan University, 2007)

擔任國立高雄應用科技大學「教育部以通識教育為核心之全校課程革新計畫」推廣委員 2007/6-2008/3
(Developing Committee Member of Innovative Project on Core Competence of General Education Curriculum, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, 2007-2008)

擔任敏惠醫護管理專科學校校內專題研究計畫審查委員 2006/11
(Reviewer of Special Research Project, Min-Hwei College of Health Care Management, 2006)

擔任「文藻盃」英語演講比賽評審 2006/10
(Judge of “Wenzao Cup” English Speech Contest, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, 2006)

擔任2006年行政院南部聯合服務中心「世界月亮一樣圓」演講比賽評審 2006/10
(Judge of Speech Contest, Southern Taiwan Joint Services Center, Executive Yuan, 2006)

擔任真理大學升等著作評審 2006/9
(Reviewer of Teacher Promotion Paper, Aletheia University, 2006)

擔任高苑科技大學升等著作評審 2006/7
(Reviewer of Teacher Promotion Paper, Kao Yuan University, 2006)

(Reviewer of Journal, Min-Hwei College of Health Care Management, 2006)

(Coordinator of Reception Section, 2005 Taipei Healthy Cities Leaders Roundtable)

(Commentator of the 23rd ELT Conference)

(Judge of Story-telling Contest, Senior High School Group, Taiwan, 2005)

擔任教育部技專院校諮詢輔導訪視委員 2005/6
(Visiting Counselor, Vocational and Technological University Evaluation, Ministry of Education, 2005)

(Oral Defense Committee Member of Master’s Thesis, Graduate School in English, National Kaohsiung Normal University, 2003-2006)